

Herb Smoothie Recipe

Herbs and GRANDER revitalized water - boosters for your well-being

Local herbs can be found everywhere, even right on our doorstep. Herbs are particularly rich in vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that are good for us. They are also available to everyone free of charge and do not produce any packaging waste or long transport routes. Wild plants and herbs are a real asset for us. Here's a tip: in combination with GRANDER® revitalized water mixed into a delicious smoothie, which is particularly good as a true energy booster for stressed times.


  • 1 apple (or fruit of your choice)
  • 2 handful of wild herbs (e.g. daisies, dandelions or nettle)
  • 1/4 litre of water
  • 1 dash of fresh lemon

Tip: You prefer it a little sweeter? Simply mix in a bit of honey.


Cut an unpeeled but washed apple into small pieces and add the remaining ingredients (herbs, GRANDER revitalized water and lemon) to a blender. Mix everything well and you're done. If the smoothie is not sweet enough, add honey.

If it is too "mushy" through the apple peel, it can also be sieved. However, important fibers and vitamins go lost.

Instead, a little water can be added. 

Have fun trying!

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