

Customer and User Voices on the EFFECTS OF GRANDER WATER REVITALIZATION – Part 2: Cooking and Chores

Results of the GRANDER customer survey 2019/2020

The customer survey polling long-time GRANDER® users from Austria and Germany on their experiences regarding the effects of GRANDER® revitalized water produced interesting results also in the ‘cooking and chores’ category.

Customers were canvassed on the following topics:

  • Vitality and individual perception
  • Cooking and chores
  • Garden and crops
  • Swimming pools and ponds
  • Heating and systems protection
  • Overall experience with GRANDER
  • Recommending GRANDER and GRANDER consultants to others


This installment of our series covering the survey’s results presents the outcomes in the ‘cooking and chores’ category.

GRANDER is frequently installed in the private homes of people looking for the best water quality in their houses, apartments, or apartment complexes. As GRANDER Inline Units are usually installed directly on main water lines, the water in the entire household or residential building is revitalized.

The fine taste of water revitalized with GRANDER makes people want to drink more water, and also children prefer water to sugary soft drinks. Even pets go instinctively for the revitalized water and drink more of it.

Food and dishes prepared with revitalized water have a fuller and unadulterated taste. The natural aroma of coffee and tea is intensified, and the revitalized water makes these beverages gentler on the stomach. Salads and vegetables rinsed with GRANDER stay fresh and crisp for longer. And it is also a great help in baking: revitalized water makes for fluffier doughs that rise better, a more uniform pore structure, and crisp crusts – baking will never have been as much fun!

Also chores other than cooking benefit from GRANDER: water revitalized with GRANDER reduces lime deposits in bathrooms and kitchens, and users find that they need less cleaning agent.


So how did customers rate the effectiveness of GRANDER when doing chores?

  • More than 80% of respondents found that revitalized potable water stayed fresh for longer and there was significantly less aquatic bacterial growth in standing water.
  • 78.42% reported that they could better taste the natural aroma of coffee and tea.
  • 67.94% stated that GRANDER gave meals and food a fuller taste.
  • 63.62% witnessed that their baking turned out better: doughs were fluffier and clearly rose better.
  • More than 70% noticed that with GRANDER, they could achieve good cleaning results with less detergent.
  • 67.69% of respondents reported a reduction of lime deposits in the bathroom and kitchen.

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