
Regensdorf FC

Revitalised water convincing for sports

FC Regensdorf FC Regensdorf FC Regensdorf
The president of the Football Club in Regensdorf, Switzerland, who is the trainer of the junior women's team and talent roster, is an enthusiastic fan of GRANDER® water revitalisation.

"Not only on the football field, but also in classroom lessons I try to emphasize the importance of a healthy, balanced nutrition to the youth.  Of course, it's essential to discuss the importance of drinking enough water.

Revitalised GRANDER water is the only beverage that is consumed during the training and game breaks.

I consciously work towards having a training-oriented effect and would like to contribute to a healthy development the young people entrusted to me for their training."

Trainer Peter Huber from 8108 Daellikon, Switzerland


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